Monday, 31 August 2009

8-Minute Sprint Session - Should Staying Fit be this Easy?

Location: The Field Behind My Folks' House, Cheshire, UK
Date: 31st August

1 minute jog followed by 30 seconds 'psyching up'

13-15 second sprint @100% then 1 minute rest

x 5

Total workout time: 8 minutes

Post workout nutrition, 1hr later: scrambled organic eggs, wild blackberries, cocoa powder

This sprint session was judged just right - I emerged feeling fresh, yet punished, if you can imagine such a thing. I allowed myself exactly one minute of rest between sprints, which meant I became progressively more challenged by each sprint, but not unduly fatigued after 5.

Had I attempted 2 or 3 more, I would perhaps have done a little more damage than I wanted.

I think I prefer mandating a rest period and doing fewer sprints rather than allowing myself whatever rest seems right, but perhaps needing more sprints to achieve the same perceived level of effort.

Rightly or wrongly I associate being outside my comfort zone with fitness effectiveness - and limiting the allowed rest is a good way to make that happen.

I am taking part in another fell run on Saturday morning. Last time I did a weekend fell run I did some sprinting the Monday before and skipped leg press on the mid-week strength training session. That seemed to work well, so I am doing the same this week.