8am, 14th Nov, at home in Birmingham, UK.
Pulled on my tracksuit, stepped outside into the bracing morning and banged out a couple of mid-distance intervals. 320m, uphill.
Times were 61 seconds and 67 seconds. Couple of minutes rest in between, walking back to the start.
I wore the
Five Finger Treks, falling apart, but still clinging on to functional use.
I had a keto
crab feast for lunch, and have a couple of steaks lined up for tonight. I did have some branch chain amino acids before the intervals, but nothing else until lunch.
I only did two intervals because I want to recover quickly ahead of a race next weekend. As ever, however, I subconsciously tailored my effort according to the expected number of intervals, and ended up hurting myself too much on the first one. So I deliberately slackened a bit for number two, and escaped without coming too close to leg failure.
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