Tuesday 25 August 2009

Swimming Sprints with Post Wife-Carrying Fatigue

Location: Woodcock Sports Centre Swimming Pool, Aston University
Date: 25th August

6 x Front crawl length, 100% effort, 60 - 120 seconds rest between each

Total time: 10 minutes

Post Workout Nutrition: scrambled egg, wild bilberries & blackberries, cocoa powder, an hour later.

I really felt this in my legs and arms. I suspect this was due to unscheduled wife-carrying yesterday.

Mrs M sprained her ankle on Saturday night and we were meeting her folks for lunch the following day. The restaurant was only about 100 yards away so after a few somewhat farcical attempts to have her hop between her dad and me, I decided to carry her the rest of the way.

I shouldn't complain, having written this post earlier in the year extolling the virtues of using one's partner for resistance training.

It's surprisingly taxing to carry a weight out in front of you compared to balancing it on your back as with a barbell squat. I could stroll round the gym all day with an Olympic bar loaded to 140 lbs balanced on my traps, but I certainly could not carry Mrs M around for longer than 5 minutes.

It has inspired me to consider a variation of Dumbbell Stair Climbs...